Welcome to BSA Troop 3301
for girls 11-17! 

Mesa, Arizona

BSA Troop 3301 offers a year-round adventure-based program designed to offer and encourage effective character, citizenship, and fitness training for girls age 11-17. 

Our scout-led program is built upon the Scout Oath and Law preparing our scouts to be tomorrow's community and business leaders. 

Troop Meetings: Tuesdays from 7:00pm - 8:30pm

Chartered Organization: Love of Christ Lutheran Church, 1525 N. Power Rd, Mesa, AZ 85205

Pack 301 Cubmaster: Lisa Hemphill

Contact the troop by email at Troop3301@301scouting.org

Character & Leadership: Through the Patrol Method and scout-led leadership, our scouts learn empathy, citizenship and to be the best version of themselves.

Advancement: With an emphasis on advancement, our scouts build self-confidence and discipline. Our active adult volunteers provide mentoring, coaching and merit badge counseling.

Outdoor Program: Troop 301 sponsors monthly campouts (August - May), Summer Camp, Kayaking, Hiking, Backpacking with a focus on High Adventure and Outdoor Ethics

STEM: In addition to our merit badge program, Troop 301 embraces the BSA STEM Nova Award program preparing our scouts for careers in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics

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