Adult Volunteer Guide

Where to start

In order to participate on Troop 301 activities, all adults must complete the following:

Once completed, additional training by position is available on-line or ocassionaly in-person. 

1) Set-up a my.scouting account

Visit My.Scouting and create an account. Once you have an account you can access online training.


2) Take Youth Protection Training

The Boy Scouts of America places the greatest importance on creating the most secure environment possible for our youth members.

See Youth Protection Training Section below

3) Take Position-Specifc Training

Visit the BSA Learn Center. Select your position and a learning plan will be created for you. The plan includes modules that are designed to allow you to complete them at your own pace.

See Position Specific Training and Registration section below

For more information:

Grand Canyone Council Training Page:

BSA Training page:

Youth Protection Training

Boy Scouts of America is a volunteer organization and Troop 301 does not pay for any of its adult support. The Boy Scouts do have paid professional Scouters at the local and national levels, as well as paid support staff.  At the troop level, all adult participants are volunteers who are recruited from troop parents, and other interested parties.

In accordance with BSA guidelines and procedures, all adult volunteers must submit to a background check when registering as troop adult leaders.

To volunteer in any capacity ALL adults must complete the BSA Youth Protection training online and submit their certificate to the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair.

For detailed information on BSA Youth Protection Policies and Training, please see: BSA Youth Protection Training 

Volunteer Opportunities

All adult roles in the troop require Youth Protection training. Many roles require role-specific training. Adult volunteer opportunities can be groupe into 3 areas:

Scoutmaster Corps

The Scoutmaster Corps provide the primary operational leadership for the troop. Duties include:

    • Act as coaches, counselors, and advisors to the Troop Youth Leaders.
    • Conduct semi-annual Youth Leader Training for elected and appointed boy leaders.
    • Supervise the Troop programs at a Troop and Patrol level, including high adventure activities.
    • Go camping with the Scouts.
    • Ensure Scout training is conducted.
    • Ensure Scouts act and behave within the guidelines outlined by the BSA.

The Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters lead the Scoutmaster Corps and are registered volunteers and are fully BSA Trained leaders.

Scouter Reserves are registered volunteers that haven't completed all the training. Scouter Reservers help the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmasters.

Troop Committee

Troop Committee Members and Adult Leaders are essential to the functioning of the troop. This rewarding experience allows adult volunteers to plan and participate in troop activities, and to participate in the day-to-day operations of the troop. Troop Committee positions have varied responsibilities that fit with a wide variety of talents and skills.

Troop Committee Member areas include:

  • Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Activities Chair
  • Advancement Chair
  • Membership Coordinator
  • Merit Badge Coordinator
  • Training Coordinator
  • Health & Saftey Coordinator
  • Life to Eagle Advisor
  • Fundraising Chair

Troop Committee Chair: leads and coordinates the committee

Chartered Organization Representative: is the primary contact with Love of Christ Church and is often a member of the Church board.

Merit Badge / STEM

Merit Badge counselors: The merit badge counselor is a key player in the BSA advancement program. Whatever your area of expertise or interest—whether it is a special craft or hobby (basketry, leatherwork, coin collecting), a profession (veterinary medicine, aviation, engineering), or perhaps a life skill (cooking, personal management, communications)—as a merit badge counselor, you can play a vital role in stirring a Scout's curiosity about that particular topic. By serving as a merit badge counselor, you offer your time, knowledge, and other resources so that Scouts can explore a topic of interest.

Adult Volunteer Leader Training Program

The following section reviews training requirements and registration instructions for each role. A volunteer is free to take on multiple roles, but needs to complete the required training and registration steps independently. The diagram below provides a training path for volunteers for all Troop 301 positions.

Position Specific Training & Registration

Scoutermaster Corps Training

Scouter Reserve

There are two other registered roles that are offered within the troop that just require Youth Protection training and allow for adults to help out without the full committment of the other leadership roles above.

Steps to register as a Scouter Reserve:

Assistant Scoutmaster

An assistant Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 18 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a position e.g. the quartermaster or OA representative, or fill in as necessary to assure the junior leaders have what they need to run things.

Qualifications to become an Assistant Scoutmaster:

Steps to register as an Assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster:


A Scoutmaster is an adult leader over the age of 21 who helps the Scoutmaster deliver the promise of Scouting. Each assistant Scoutmaster is assigned specific program duties. They can serve the troop by guiding a particular patrol to which they’ve been assigned, advising certain Scouts who’ve assumed a position e.g. the quartermaster or OA representative, or fill in as necessary to assure the junior leaders have what they need to run things.

Qualifications to become an Scoutmaster:

Steps to register as an Assistant Scoutmaster or Scoutmaster:

Troop Committee Training

Troop Committee Member

The troop committee is comprised of adults and is charged with the business aspects of running the troop.  Responsibilities of the Troop Committee include:

Membership in the troop committee or on various subcommittees is open to all parents and others with an interest in the scouting program.

Qualifications to be a member of the Troop Committee:

Steps to register as an member of the Troop Committee:

Troop Committee Chair

The troop committee chair is appointed by the chartered organization to see that all committee functions are carried out. The troop committee chair appoints and supervises the unit committee and unit leaders, and organizes the committee to see that all committee responsibilities are delegated, coordinated and completed.

Qualifications to Become a Troop Committee Chair:

Steps to register as a Troop Committee Chair:

Chartered Organization Representative

The Chartered Organization Representative (COR) is the direct contact between the unit and the Chartered Organization. This individual is also the organization’s contact with the District Committee and the Local Council. The chartered organization representative may become a member of the district committee and is a voting member of the council. If the chartered organization has more than one unit, one representative serves them all. The Chartered Organization Representative appoints the Unit Committee Chairman.

Qualifications to Become a Chartered Organization Representative:

Steps to register as a Chartered Organization Representative:

Merit Badge / STEM Training

Merit Badge Counselor

Qualifications to Become a Merit Badge Counselor:

A merit badge counselor serves as both a teacher and mentor as Scouts work on a merit badge. In one way, he or she is an examiner. In a larger sense, the counselor uses this opportunity for coaching – helping Scouts overcome the hurdles of the different requirements and making Scouts aware of the deeper aspects of the subject from their knowledge and experience. Because of these unique opportunities to serve Scouts, volunteering as a merit badge counselor is one of the most gratifying experiences for adults in Scouting today.

Steps in Becoming a Merit Badge Counselor

See Grand Canyon Councils Merit Badge Counselor page for more information

Supplemental Training

Boy Scouts of America provides many supplementary training programs that are available to all registered volunteers. Below is a subset of course offerings that are most popular for troop leaders. Click on the images below for more information and links for future class offerings.

Wood Badge

Wood Badge

Wood Badge is known as the premier training course in the BSA. Offered by council, it is held over a period of a week or two full weekends.  It includes an outdoor camping experience. 

Those who complete Wood Badge are presented iconic wooden beads as a symbol of their commitment to provide a quality Scouting program.

For more information see:


Powder Horn is a resource course designed to introduce Scouting’s adults and youth to the exciting outdoor and high-adventure program possibilities for their unit. The ultimate goal is for the participants to leave the course with a list of ideas to help their program, along with the contacts and resources needed to implement them. 

Next course Sept 2022

First Aid, CPR & AED

Prepare for the unexpected with first aid training from the American Red Cross. Developed and taught by experts, our convenient, affordable courses can help your organization become OSHA compliant – and empower your team to provide care when it's needed most. With award-winning online classes, plus first aid courses at more than 550 locations across the United States, and our best-in-class blended Simulation Learning, we offer training that's designed to suit your schedule and your learning style.

Wilderness First Aid

Wilderness first aid, or “WFA”, is a generic term that commonly refers to any training course that focuses on prevention, assessment, and treatment for an ill or injured person in a remote environment where definitive care by a physician and/or rapid transport is not readily available. This is defined as being an hour or more away from advanced care.  WFA courses are intended for anyone planning a remote high adventure, from lay responders to medical professionals.

Outdoor Ethics Trainer

This 16-hour, overnight course trains adults and youth ages 14 and up to serve as Leave No Trace Trainers.

It is recommended training for the Outdoor Ethics Guide troop junior leadership position.

It is also highly recommended for camp staff, members of the council and district outdoor program and training teams.

Baden-Powell University

The Baden-Powell University is an opportunity for all adults, older youth, and Den Chiefs to learn more about any of dozens of topics useful in Scouting and life beyond Scouting, for that matter. Make sure it’s on your calendar, and take a group of leaders, Scouts, and Venturers from your unit along with you!